
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bottoms Up - Part 4 - Two color pieced pants

Sewing Tutorial: Pieced Pants in two colors
 pieced pants sewing tutorial
Here's the story behind the series, the second part of the series is here, third part of the series is here.                                         

1. Just take any pants pattern

cutting out a pants pattern  

This time we're cutting 4 panels for these pants 2 for front and 2 for back, so no need to cut on fold, juts place the pattern on four layers of fabric and cut. However since we're going to piece another fabric near the bottom, leave out the last 2 inches or so from the pattern. In the above pic, the pattern is placed upside down, so if you look carefully, the bottom 2-3 inches of the pattern( top of the is upside down) are hanging outside the fabric, meaning that area will not get cut in this fabric.

cutting pieced pants
Here's the pattern traced out and cut 2 inches too short.

pieced pants pattern
Now using a big bowl or any circular object, cut an arc near the bottom of the pants. make sure to cut the arc such that you cut lesser near the curvy part of the pants and more from the straight art. No logical reason for that, it just looks better in my opinion.

sewing tutorial for pieced pants
Now place the cut pattern on four layers of coordinating fabric, make sure two layers are placed right side up and two layers are placed wrong side up.

two color pants sewing pattern

Place your pattern on top of the fabric and align properly with fabric 1.. Trace it on fabric 2, also trace the curve from fabric 1 on fabric 2 and cut.

how to sew pants for kids

Now lets sew the pants
First join the four Fabric 1 panels with fabric 2 panels. Make sure you line up the curves properly.
Clip some notches to help the curve sit straight.

Top-stitch at the right side.

Line up front and back panels, sew at the straight line, right sides together. At this point, it will be helpful to start sewing from the point where fabric 1 and fabric 2 meet and go up first. Then start again from the meeting point of fabric 1 and fabric 2 and go down. This will ensure that the pieces are perfectly aligned. You can always trim if any of the ends have small mismatch.

9. Now that you've got your two pieces ( right leg and left leg), just sew them like the basic pants. Don't forget to embellish with matching trims and notions.
And Done!
sewing pants tutorial

And just for fun here's another one of the Grow And Gather dress that I made to go with these pants.

halter neck dress

I think they look great together....Don't they?

pieced pants with dress

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