
Monday, July 2, 2012

Patriotic Sewing - Bloomers pattern and tutorial

Bloomers Sewing Pattern and tutorial

bloomers sewing pattern

So I posted the tutorial for the dress yesterday with the promise to post the bloomers tutorial and pattern today. So here I'm, keeping my promise ( for once)


  • Knit fabric - three quarters of a yard ( yeah its almost alarming how much fabric these itty bitty thingies use but thats how it is)
  • Grosgrain/Ribbon - about 10 inches
  • One inch wide elastic - 20 inches
  • quarter inch wide elastic - 1 yd.


Download and print this 2 page pattern to sew the bloomers in 12- 24 months size.
Overlap page1 and 2 such that 'A' and 'B' are together on both the pages.


cut out the bloomers pattern

Cut 2 pieces of the pattern. Sew along the curved lines, right sides together. Sew the hem by folding twice along the hemline and sewing.

sew elastic on bloomers legs

Take the narrow elastic and measure around the thighs of the little one. Measure a length that is snug but not uncomfortable ( without stretching the elastic) Now add one inch to this length. This is going to be the length of narrow elastic. Now mark a line about 1.5 inches above the hemline on the wrong side. Stretch the elastic and sew along this line on the wrong side. Pin the elastic if you need to. Repeat for the other leg. Sew a seam along the legs while reinforcing the crotch seam by going 2-3 times over the area.

fold the top of bloomers

Fold the top of the bloomers quarter inch and sew a seam. Fold it 1.5 inches again and sew another seam, leave a gap of 2 inches this time.

insert elastic into the bloomers
Use this gap to insert wide elastic. Overlap the ends of elastic and sew zig zag stitches. Sew a couple of times to reinforce the joint. Sew the opening shut.

sew a bow in the front
Make a bow from the ribbon. Sew it right below the elastic in the front.

All set!

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