
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fringed Scarf Mini Tutorial

A couple of years ago Old Navy had this great sale on fringed fleece scarves. They were super soft and came in a number of pretty prints and colors. I loved them so much that I stocked up on a good number of those. Then I took them to India with me and my sisters, cousins and sister-in-laws loved them so much that I ended up giving all of them away.

fringed scarf DIYNext year I waited for Old Navy to do that awesome sale again, but it didn't happen. I thought I would just buy a couple in cute prints at a higher price, but the selection was really limited. Since this year's selection is not looking very promising either...I just thought I will make my own.

The Ring Your Neck Challenge by Rikka of Ricochet and Away was just the push I needed to get it done.  By the way, you may want to enter this challenge, there's still a lot of time to make your own scarf and the challenges over at Ricochet and Away are always a lot of fun and very inspiring. Rikka even put together a pinterest board for scarf inspiration for the challenge.

On my recent trip to Joann I got two cute prints of fleece and made my own fleece scarves. It is super easy to do and I think I'm going to make many more for my whole family back in India.
Here is a mini tutorial on how to do it:

Fleece - quarter yard
Good to have - rotary cutter and self healing cutting mat

Time: 15 minutes

Difficulty level: Beginner

Cost: $2 approximately

The construction of this scarf begins at the fabric store. Ask the store associate to take out any uneven fabric, before she cuts your quarter yard. Because we are using the whole fabric we don't have any room for taking out fabric to remove uneven edges. Watch her carefully as she cuts the fabric and make sure you get a nice even quarter yard of fleece.

cutting fringes for scarf tutorial

Remove the selvedge from both ends of the quarter yard.
Use your rotary cutter, self healing mat and a ruler to cut 6 inches long and half inch wide fringes at both ends. You could also do it with a scissor but I felt that rotary cutter made the edges sharp and smooth.

fringed scarf DIY
And there you have it - fringed scarf!

make a no sew fringed scarf

It was so easy and simple to do that I made another one right away.
I love my new scarves and in fact, I'm wearing one as I type. Now I can have the best deal on scarves whenever I want.

Dec Roses Scarf tutorial
Dec Roses Scarf tutorial

kids scarflette tutorial
kids scarflette tutorial

Here are some scarves I made in the past, in case you decide to join in the scarf making fun.

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  1. Yay! Love this scarf! I'm going to pin your other tutorials as well. Great work!

  2. Wonderful and easy!
    I love the kids scarflette too!

  3. So easy, Anshu and looks great!!! I would never have thought of this...


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