
Thursday, December 6, 2012

1, 2, Mend my shoe ( how to)

fix velcro on shoes
Do you have a toddler who seems to be going through the shoes like you would use paper towels? I have been there, and it had been alarming. She would burn a hole in a shoe within a week. And it went on until I was tipped off by a colleague who has been there..done that. Her sage advice - Never let them ride a tricycle until they are tall enough to pedal. If they are shorter, they tend to drag their feet to push the cycle, and that is how the holes appear. A quick discussion with her teacher saved a lot of her shoes from the untimely ( and expensive) death.

We bought her a pair of these Dora shoes ( with lights yupp) which she loved. They were still going strong after 2 weeks ( no holes ...yaay!!!) when I noticed something alarming.

how to replace velcro on shoes
The velcro on the shoe closures was coming off. Oh no! Just when I thought I found the perfect pair. I was hardly prepared to replace them so soon. So I decided to give them a sewing mama treatment.

I took out the ruined velcro from the straps.

Cut out a couple of strips of velcro from my sewing stash.

shoe repair tutorial
Placed the velcro where the older velcro was. Then I sew a seam along the edges of the velcro strip to adhere it to the strap. Since the shoe straps were rounded at the tip, I had to cut the velcro corners a little near the tip to match the shape of the strap.

how to repair shoes
See, only the right side lower strap has the original velcro, the other three have been replaced with mama's velcro strips.
Yay!! Shoe Rescue. Done!

I used non-sticky velcro because I find it more stable than sticky velcro ( and also because I have a thing for sewing). I'm sure you could use super-glue or hot-glue to adhere velcro too.

Now I can add "Shoe Mending" to my ever-growing list of talents. I think it will be right there with "hair-cutting", "chauffering" and "story-telling/kids enetertainer". One thing is for sure, being a mom opens up a whole new world of alternative professions for every women.

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1 comment:

  1. Smart mama! I call that mom magic-- I can magically do so many things that I couldn't before I had kids :)


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