
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Link Love and look how far we have come

Blooms And Bugs: Blog updates

Image courtsey Sullivan via MorgueFile

The last week brought with it a lot of recongnition at many reputed blogs.
Knotted Baby Hat tutorial got picked up by Craft Gossip,
One Pretty Thing liked our Coral Reef Dress.

Another feature that I'm pretty excited about is that our little blog made it to the feed of Now, what it means is that whatever I post here automatically gets posted over at Neat...huh? Folks at Seamingly also asked me to become a curator on their website. I was like..."So I get to add my favorite sewing blogs to your site? ( Saying to myself - "SO I can read all my fav sewing posts at one place and bookmark the ones I like? Are you freaking kidding me?") - Sure.Ok."

During the last 6 months we have also seen a lot of traction in terms of followers, social media interactions etc.
We have more than 100 followers on blogger, more than 150 subscribers via google reader. As of today we have 225 facebook fans. Our twitter and pinterest groups are also growing slowly but steadily. To me, this means that we are getting heard by many more people than ever and that I need to keep producing quality stuff for this blog, but that's just my part, you could help too. I often wonder if my tutorials are being used by anyone, if you guys are using it, are you running into any issues? Am I writing what you want or is there something else that you would like to see at Blooms And Bugs? Social media has made it very simple to get heard. Leave me a comment, drop me a mail, leave a note on our facebook wall. I would love to hear from you. If you have made something from one of the tutorials here, share the pics, of course, I love to see them, but I think the whole Blooms And Bugs community would like to take a look.

There's something new coming up in October, which I'm really excited about. I know...I want to just shout it from the rooftops...but can't...yet. But I'm feeling the momentum building up. Thanks for joining me in my journey...I certainly can't do it without you. Its one heck of a ride.

 Happy Sewing!

1 comment:

  1. I love your tutorials and hope to use some of them soon. I understand how you feel with little or no comments.


Leave some sugar :)